Tag Archives: Relationships

It Is What It Is – Explanation Needed

I have a friend who often says, “It is what it is.” That is a matter of fact statement. Nothing can be changed or edited. Is life is set and we have no choices or control?

I do agree that many situations, due to the selfishness of other people, determines your relationship with them. You cannot move toward a deeper relationship if you cannot connect with their mind or heart. They have basically said, “It is what it is and I don’t care to look deeper or make changes.”

For the most part, we can choose to change our minds or our actions. We must look forward into a brighter day. We may want to be risky and try something we have always wanted to do. I’m not sure if climbing a mountain or learning how to sky-dive is always the best route once you’re over 50 but some people do it well. More power goes to those who try, who reach out, who want life to be the best it can be. You can have that power much of the time.

Surround yourself with positive people who find ways to fulfill their days, who find deep thought and comfort in living their faith. These types of people give to you as they gain from your shared hearts.

It isn’t always what it can be. The potential is amazing; waiting for you to grab it.

Find your vine and swing like you mean it!

New release: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) avail many places – – Check out my YouTube videos, connect with me on facebook and twitter.

Love that you’ve stopped by.  Bloom.

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Brutality and Love – Partners?

People sometimes speak blunt words with sharp emotions and attitudes. These always hurt other people. If you do this, stop now.

Nothing beneficial is accomplished through words that show no care.

Attempting to gain control and trying to put people in their places is never a satisfactory goal. When you berate individuals or teams of people you become more divided. I have never met a person who wants to be bullied or beat down. I have never met a person who thinks brutal speech is derived from love and care.

We should treat our friends and families better than we treat anyone else! I’ve seen many people treat acquaintances with more consideration than they do their own children or spouses. Anger, fear, low self-esteem and many other issues brings about brutal actions and mean words.

Friends who are too blunt with each other and give expose’s on flaws are not being a true friend. The discord they generate is unnecessary. Someone is always getting hurt. The wounded friend may not show it, but it has left a wound.

Is it too difficult to show a little kindness, lend a little love and offer unconditional respect to each other?

Make a commitment to guard your tongue. Watch your array of flying words. Mind your manners and show how valuable other people are to you. It’s disgraceful when men and women shout at each other or put each other down. Whether in private, on the phone or in public, it is never-never-never proper communication. Stop now.

Let your hearts melt a little. Let your soft sides show. Be outreaching to others, not sharp and brutal toward them. 

If we could love others the way we should love – families would not divide, children would not be scarred, people could see immense respect oozing toward and from others. If we could love others the way we should love, there would be less pain. Sadness from blunt words is unacceptable because those words should never have been spoken.

Be kind, reap kindness. Be caring, reap care. Show respect, reap respect.

Commandment 1 is to Love God above all.

Commandment 2 is to Love our Neighbors.

Can we do better?

Please read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)

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Life Like A Reality Show

Real life in real time. Do you live like those reality show participants? If you imagine cameras around all day, you will want to be on your best behavior at all times. The cameras make people accountable. Of course, many reality people do not care what others think of them. They do not think they affect the lives of others. I wish they didn’t but I’ve learned that they do make a huge impact on those who are continually watching their shows.

The actions and happenings during our conscious daily life are reality.

 People who star in reality shows often say that the programming is engineered for drama much of the time. Real life happenings become staged, enhanced and exaggerated.

Reality in our daily lives is often more mundane and more predictable. Sometimes we are bored or distracted. We long for energy, laughter and excitement. Times of silence, meditation, prayer and renewal are treasured also. A balance of our alone time with God, our fun with friends, devotion to family and special events is important. When we think that just a few years ago no one had ever heard of reality TV; it is quite a change. 

I think of talk radio and opinionated TV programs as reality. These shows are at the very least, reality for the hosts. I find that often they talk in the manner that I am not associating with reality of the general population. This is more self-centered reality and then I smile. Aren’t we all into our own realities?

Our reality. What is it? What is important and do we make that real? Do I focus on being what and who I was born to be? Do I satisfy my Lord in my service and commitments? Am I the hands, feet and lips of the ‘most perfect one’?. What a difficult reality it is but a desired progressive daily path of being truly, really genuine about my heart’s desires.

TV programs can be all fluff or all arguments. They can be all laughs or all downers. They can carry the ridiculous to new heights. 

Our lives are to be led by truth. We are to be authentic because of our Creator. We are to reach for a higher standard at all times and live into it! We are to embellish our lives with the lavish love of God and his goodness. 

Can we be real? Are we feeling vulnerable? I have a speaking engagement coming soon and I was asked to talk not only about becoming an author, but also about ‘staying fresh in my relationships”. I am asked how I have worked through life remaining fresh with others and with my God. It seems like a tall order and a bit unveiling of my actions and attitudes (as if writing a book isn’t open enough).  But I will do it.

I will talk about forgiveness, God’s grace, examples of times where I could have carried hurt and betrayal. I could have questioned God and his plan. I could have held grudges but chose to move forward. I do not dwell in the past. I do not dwell there. Why be stuck in the days that are long gone? Instead, choose to look toward the light, toward the future promised. I have had an exceptionally loving life. I have had continual support but there are times I can search my memory and conclude; they were definitely trying times.

There were people I would have just dismissed. There were thoughts that were not friendly. There were disappointments that seemed huge but perseverance and grace draped over me – along with a desire to move forward into light.

How can we live in our own reality while proving progress and while focusing on our personal mission?

Progress for me is trusting that God knows what he’s doing; trusting that he will place in me his desires that they become my desires. Following his still sure voice every day. Sharing his examples of love, joy, peace, gentleness, humility, faith and compassion to others who step into my path.

Be real. Be authentic. Be true. Be proud that God made you the only one like you.

You are valuable. You are worthy of mention. What you have to say is important. You deserve respect. We can be more today than we were yesterday when we keep these thoughts in mind.

Strive to not only survive but to live with a newness and an exciting expectancy every day.

Bloom, wherever you are, in every way, every day!

Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) avail now..
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Does Your Life Stand for Something Valuable?

As the years flow forward what have we accomplished? Are you happy with your life, your choices, your beliefs and your standards?

Do you stand for something lasting, solid and pure? Can you make better choices?

Can you live your life to stand for something valuable? I don’t mean gold, silver, jewels, stocks, bonds, boats or cars. Material items are fleeting and can be gone in a minute. You’ve probably met people who love to show what they have obtained and not who they really are. You’ve most likely heard of women and men who only think about the next party, the next social hour or the next weekend.

What do you stand for? Do you have values that surround you that will set a standard for your life? You can have values that transcend material goods, wealth or decadence. There is nothing wrong with looking good, having wealth and loving life. In fact, these are great advantages for us.

What has long lasting value for you? Your retirement plan? Your 401K? Your gold holdings?

Your thoughts, intentions and purpose are lasting if you act on them. If you have truth, love, compassion, goodness and patience you have unparalleled values. If you have a God who you pursue with intensity for a close relationship, you have unmatched potential.

When you commit to your family, to your friends and also to those who are touched by your life in any way, you stand for commitment. You stand for support, care and connection.

When you reach out to those in need or see a sad person and attempt to help them, you are working the plan and fulfilling the mission of loving one another.

In my case, my God, through his Son, gives me the attributes to follow.

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith and Self Control

These actions are not easy to follow when you think deeply about living them in every aspect of your life. Some people make it difficult to show love and patience and self control. But, these attributes are a starting point. From there we grow, we stretch, we intentionally try to practice these concepts.

We then are becoming living examples with tremendous value. Selfishness never works.

Selfishness never pays. Selfishness doesn’t bring value or happiness. Only temporarily can being self centered bring some kind of comfort or indulgent feelings. It is when we value our hearts and souls and show the spirit of these listed above, often called the Fruits of the Spirit, do we find value and a firm stand in life.

Practice one of these fruits more fully each day and feel yourself evolve.

You will become more aware of how much value you can offer. You will become a more secure, caring, giving, loving individual who stands on truth and the ‘fruits of the spirit.’ God said so.

We must emulate him and his words. We must intentionally strive to work on ‘us’ to become a better reflection of value.

Thanks for stopping by! Make your life stand firmly for the things that live eternally.

Bloom… wherever you are, in every way, every day!


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