Brutality and Love – Partners?

21 Sep

People sometimes speak blunt words with sharp emotions and attitudes. These always hurt other people. If you do this, stop now.

Nothing beneficial is accomplished through words that show no care.

Attempting to gain control and trying to put people in their places is never a satisfactory goal. When you berate individuals or teams of people you become more divided. I have never met a person who wants to be bullied or beat down. I have never met a person who thinks brutal speech is derived from love and care.

We should treat our friends and families better than we treat anyone else! I’ve seen many people treat acquaintances with more consideration than they do their own children or spouses. Anger, fear, low self-esteem and many other issues brings about brutal actions and mean words.

Friends who are too blunt with each other and give expose’s on flaws are not being a true friend. The discord they generate is unnecessary. Someone is always getting hurt. The wounded friend may not show it, but it has left a wound.

Is it too difficult to show a little kindness, lend a little love and offer unconditional respect to each other?

Make a commitment to guard your tongue. Watch your array of flying words. Mind your manners and show how valuable other people are to you. It’s disgraceful when men and women shout at each other or put each other down. Whether in private, on the phone or in public, it is never-never-never proper communication. Stop now.

Let your hearts melt a little. Let your soft sides show. Be outreaching to others, not sharp and brutal toward them. 

If we could love others the way we should love – families would not divide, children would not be scarred, people could see immense respect oozing toward and from others. If we could love others the way we should love, there would be less pain. Sadness from blunt words is unacceptable because those words should never have been spoken.

Be kind, reap kindness. Be caring, reap care. Show respect, reap respect.

Commandment 1 is to Love God above all.

Commandment 2 is to Love our Neighbors.

Can we do better?

Please read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)

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