Category Archives: Destiny

Creating a False Reality for Yourself

Live your own life. Make it the best it can be. Living through someone else or a fantasy life does not get you to your maximum fulfillment.

Watching reality TV shows has become an addiction for many people. They live vicariously through other people or enjoy the entertainment value. Do we take these participants seriously? Do we wonder if it is all staged? Cameras can tell a much larger story or leave out vital chapters.

Living like the Kardashians or the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is impossible for most women today. Do you see value in their lives? How about morality? Honesty and integrity? Do you see fun and wish it were you? You also have to buy into their life philosophies if you want their lives. It is their right to be who they are and show it to the world. More importantly, being ignited from the inside, as ships that sail our own course and inspire others, is essential.

A famous person is quoted saying, I wish all people could be rich and famous in their lifetime and then they would see it’s not the answer.” When women wish they were someone else, it disturbs me. Of course, a better income and an easier path might be advantageous but what can they learn along the way?

 Live your own life fully and richly. Work on the inside. Let your own light shine. Don’t follow someone else. Reaching for stars that are not in your orbit just weighs you down and tires you out. Living with dreams of being someone else will not get you to your personal heights. You will not be happy. Choose authenticity, values, truth, love, care and compassion with those you touch every day. Be someone who gleams with value.

Others will envy your being, your life, your attitude and truth. Help them live into their best. Show them that whatever life has for them is enough – although dreams and opportunity are on every corner. Explore. Reach. Be happy with who you were created to be. You can always be a ‘better, more productive, more creative you’... but BE – YOU. Life is unique because you are here. Earth is better because you exist. God is pleased when we follow His plan for us.

Read Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) – To buy on Amazon – – Available at Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, BAM, Pricebooks and more – Love your comments and messages. 

Connect with me on my Facebook Author page, Twitter, Subscribe to this blog. – Bottom of front page of site. – Be blessed and bloom forever!

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The Tree Planted by the Water

A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease. John Muir

A wonderful sight! A body of glistening beautiful magical water. Water that nourishes and refreshes. Water that gives life to a tree that sits beside its edges. Water gives life to a tree that sits beside its edges. It becomes strong and vibrant. It produces and shows its strength.

How long has it been since you’ve been nourished and refreshed? Body, mind and spirit in unity must be fed life giving water in order to be vibrant and reflective. You then can be focused, nurturing others, living to your max with happiness and grace.

Choose to reflect on the lessons of your life, move through the pain rapidly, dwell in hope and peace.  When you are renewed you can think in brighter ways. You are replenished with those things you thought you lost. You are emboldened, encouraged and inspired. If this life isn’t lived to its fullest with kindness, fun and love from your heart; you will live in a stagnant pool of discontent, unhappiness and failure.

I choose to look to my Creator to feed my soul. After all, he gave me life. He loves me. He wants the best for me and for you. Jesus is my rock. I take his words and life examples but most of all I take his promises and aspire to remember them and live them fully.

Some people choose to live lives of only selfishness, sadness and negative power; it is futile! We all know people like this and do not want to be one. If you are slipping into that persona – run fast away from it. It does no one good. It harms. It strangles and it is diseased way to live.

Life, full and fragrant, is to be joyful, sweet and connected to others who understand body, mind and spirit unity. 

Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) available now. To buy on Amazon: – Check out Barnes & Noble, Pricebooks and Books A Million too.

Love that you stop by! You are precious. You are special. Giving thanks for you who read my words.

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Flying Isn’t the Hard Part – Landing….On the Other Hand..

Flying isn’t the hard part, landing in the net is. – Mario Zacchini

First flight of the Wright Flyer I, December 1...

Image via Wikipedia

Did the Wright Brothers give up? No and because of their tenacity, we can fly every day in the sky.

If you attend a Cirque de Soleil performance you know immediately that the acrobatic talent and commitment to practice far exceeds the thoughts of failure, falling and fear.  The actors are unbelievably courageous and strong. How did they get that way? Practice. Practice. Practice. Natural talent goes along with it. They prove that they are ingrained with passion for their craft. They are great at their performances and life’s work. You can be also!

You won’t always crash. Your experience and passion will be your guide wire. Research as much as possible and talk to people who have been there and accomplished what you want to do.

Living this life sometimes seems like a tightrope act. We walk on. We balance. We stabilize. We are fearful. We trust at times. That net can be friends, family, faith, hope, love, joy, grace and many other exciting things about life.

What is your net? Where do you go?

Be assured that falling flat and failing is part of life. Pick yourself up and move on. Be inspired in directions of focus and goals We are not meant to sit down and quit. You may need more support than others or someone to talk to about your situation. That’s not a bad idea!

We are to land in our nets, bounce back – while healing our wounds – and restructuring our thoughts. Then go – Bloom Girl Bloom, Bloom Boy Bloom –  in ways you never dreamed of. Never give up. Maybe something you try isn’t quite right for you so evaulate and stay strong.

You are so valuable and were created for great things. Your stage might not be large but your mission is to move through that small stuff with care and kindness. It all adds up. You may be given a larger portion of risk or challenge but you are capable.

Our rewards come from our risk-taking. We don’t need to be crazy about it but if you step out and fly – the landing will be so sweet. Your happiness increases, your confidence grows and your next step will be much easier. Try something you’ve always want to do – accomplish something small and move into the bigger scale.

Make a list of your challenges and your passions – then choose one and move forward with the idea. You can begin simply and learn to fly. You won’t crash land or be wounded when you begin after planning. Start in a way that you can manage. Expand. Grow. Bloom. Blossom profusely!

We can stay safe on the ground but life still throws trouble and worry at us. When  you decide to fly – reach for the sky.

Things you think impossible – are possible.

Fly. bloom. 

Please read: To Buy- on Amazon – – ck out my Video clips, and connect on my Fbook Author/Speaker page –

Decide in 2012 to get up and fly once again!.

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If You Think You’re Not Special

‎”Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.” Maya Angelou


I want you to know your value. You were made uniquely you. Live into that promise.

Shine above all. Stand above the crowd in values and commitment.

Please read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) available now.

To Buy- on Amazon – also, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Booksprice and more. 

Love that you stop by. I enjoy your comments and messages too! – connect with me 

You will read quotes from women who have strength, care, love, hearts of gold and persistence. You will also read what some women wish they had done life differently. Be your best you!

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For the Love of Being Inspired into Action

I believe in giving voice to women whose valuable life lessons become a vehicle that will glide into the lives of others in a supportive and energizing way.  -quote from my book-

Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) available now

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.

Albert Einstein

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau

I love to see people acting on their inspirations. I enjoy watching people I speak to sitting in groups. Sometimes I can see them becoming more inspired.  They often realize how much more they can be; how much more they can do to further their dreams.

Inspiration can be as simple as driving us to finish a list or to make a call to a friend to encourage them. It takes inspiration every day to do extra chores or reach out to new experiences.

Inspiring circumstances can help us make better choices or to be more thankful every day. Becoming inspired about your new car is easy. Inspiring others to spend their money while you are shopping with them is easy. Everything seems to look good on them and it’s easy to say so. There is never a doubt that we are inspired by great food; but that causes us to eat more (not always a good inspiration). To be inspired to buy a gift for someone you love is automatic; we are excited to see their faces when they receive the gift. It’s fun.

I owned a floral business for years. It was great fun to see people order for delivery for someone else. They were happy and excited; inspired to touch the receiver’s heart. Then there was another joy when the person was so flattered to get the flowers. This, all by itself, inspired the delivery drivers. A fun job unless the dogs were out or the address was wrong. That inspired everyone to be more diligent in making sure the addresses were correct. As for the dogs, you can imagine the inspiration gathered to stay on the other side of the gate. Only one delivery driver ever came back with a dog bite, it wasn’t humorous then but it is now when I remember the story she told.

Inspirational quotes touch people to action or should do so. If not, they are already motivated or not listening. Some people let fear stop them from actually moving forward into their purpose. There are starters who then stop due to the reminders of their past failures or because they question too much.

We must follow through. What inspires you? Determine your greatest passion and try to incorporate it into your life; as long as it doesn’t hurt someone (including you).

At this point in your life, your priorities are different then they will be in the future. If you are raising a family – DO – save room for you. You must be inspired by them but also fill YOU so that you can inspire them.

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Once Upon A Time….

Once upon a time life was different. No one had heard of ‘something went wrong‘ cosmetic surgery.

Once upon a time no one had heard of botox, multiple nose jobs or people who don’t look anything like themselves.

I was watching a TV show and there were celebrities in the audience. One man had his forehead pulled back so far he could see the people behind him. I swear. I’m sure of it!

There was a time when traveling wasn’t such a hassle. Security meant getting all four kids in the back seat and keeping them quiet.

At one time, someone told me there were no television sets, only radio. Can you imagine? That cannot be true.

I think about people in their seventies and eighties and how they have watched progress. It must be mind-numbing. I know they had cars. I doubt if they drove horses and buggies.

Sometimes I’m not sure it’s all progress; it’s more like confusion. Stepping back in time, but not too far, there were fewer games, student events or choices. Opportunities have far excelled but have we learned to make the best choices? Are we running exhausted and discouraged?

There was a time when people didn’t talk about politics or religion in open forums. 

Once upon a time, there weren’t so many separated families. I conclude that so much progress, in many instances,  has crippled families and they cannot cope (or do not cope well). We watch too much TV, get too crazy over sports, spend too much time away and divide in ways not pleasing to family life.

Hollywood stars were few and far between and you knew everyone’s name. Not anymore. There are popular actors and musicians I have never heard of everywhere. I find out later when others know every detail of their lives; that does not interest me.

History is changing at a rapid rate of speed. Living life one day at a time helps with security, peace of mind and focus for a productive future. Slow down now and then and reap the benefits of those new inventions. Realize new opportunities but don’t work or worry yourself about all of the options. Choose a path and move there.

Once upon a time there weren’t so many people using anti-depressants to get through the day.

Once upon a time we were younger, full of energy, and extremely excited about the world. We were idealistic and had magnificent amounts of hope. We may have modified.. or completely changed our ideas, like the man in the audience. He completely changed his looks. He doesn’t look good. I wonder if he thinks he looks better than… once upon a time?

Once upon a time you had goals. You may have smiled more in the past. You may have had better health. Take what you have today… and.. make the most of it.

You are who you choose to be... except for once upon a time… going by too quickly into “Oh, I remember that, I think, maybe.” Move through life with expectancy always. Don’t give up. Love, live, learn and blossom profusely. Thanks for stopping by to smell the flowers that will bloom again in the spring.

bloom.    Available now: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million,

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Getting Lost with Navigation – Believe It!

I’ll bet you never get lost.

Sometimes I take a hard copy of directions along with using my navigation system, Cranberry; that’s what I’ve named her. Sometimes I tell her she’s incorrect, doesn’t know where she’s going and she sometimes runs in circles.

At times I mute Cranberry because she talks too much and tells me she has to re-calculate, once again…and again. 

The hard copy printed directions can’t talk so I just have to sigh if they confuse me. 

There are many twists and turns in life. Have you lost your way? Do you know what you want but cannot get there?

1st. Determine whether you are being unreasonable. If your goal is to win a super lottery, let’s calculate your changes of a win. NOT very likely.

2nd. Make sure that you can see where the path goes and that you are always moving in that direction.

3rd. We often have to navigate to make things happen by thinking of opportunities and possibilities. Check them out – don’t just discount them. You never know which door will open if you are persistent.

4th. Dream big. Make a point to know and think about possibilities through a forward and progressive thought process. Don’t get stuck where you don’t belong. Keep looking forward.

5th. Tell some trusted people your dream. Speak it out loud to yourself – often. Believe it can happen.

6th. Realize that there is great purpose for your life – you must move toward that mission every day. We were born to impact others with body, mind and spirit influences.

7th. Be truthful and courageous while searching your paths of advantages.

8th. Be thankful as you learn along the way.

9th. Know and own your miracles, big and small.

10th. Be the very person on this Earth that people want to emulate due to your strength, your kindness, your faith commitments and your joy. Share it all.

 Navigate to get somewhere. If you get lost, find the path again. If you’re distracted – maybe your internal GPS will talk to you and attempt to correct your thinking.  Be fresh in your thinking and constant in your progress.  bloom.

Available now – Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) by Park East Press – some retailers listed/there are many more… Contact me with comments. Would love to hear from you. 

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Cheering You On Today

Dew-drop in bloom.

Image via Wikipedia

It’s your day. I want you to use it well. Do you often hear crowds cheering at ballgames or for celebrities and muscians? It’s your day. I’m cheering you on.

I wish for you that your dreams begin to come true. I hope that you can see the good that you are doing. While letting you live life to the fullest, the world sometimes pulls you down. Not today.

Be inspired. Have energy and focus. Love the best in your day and ignore what is not so great. There is always hope. There is always direction. There can be more to your life than you have ever dreamed. Think on this. Reflect on those lost dreams. Revive them or change them into new dreams and oppotunities.

I cheer you on today. Make a better day. Let go and let God.

You are worth it. You are hearing my voice saying, “I am cheering you on today, no matter what your circumstances happen to be. Be at your best. Do not forget to smile and encourage another person today.” Bloom.  Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) available now. To Buy- – Available other places too!

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It Is What It Is – Explanation Needed

I have a friend who often says, “It is what it is.” That is a matter of fact statement. Nothing can be changed or edited. Is life is set and we have no choices or control?

I do agree that many situations, due to the selfishness of other people, determines your relationship with them. You cannot move toward a deeper relationship if you cannot connect with their mind or heart. They have basically said, “It is what it is and I don’t care to look deeper or make changes.”

For the most part, we can choose to change our minds or our actions. We must look forward into a brighter day. We may want to be risky and try something we have always wanted to do. I’m not sure if climbing a mountain or learning how to sky-dive is always the best route once you’re over 50 but some people do it well. More power goes to those who try, who reach out, who want life to be the best it can be. You can have that power much of the time.

Surround yourself with positive people who find ways to fulfill their days, who find deep thought and comfort in living their faith. These types of people give to you as they gain from your shared hearts.

It isn’t always what it can be. The potential is amazing; waiting for you to grab it.

Find your vine and swing like you mean it!

New release: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) avail many places – – Check out my YouTube videos, connect with me on facebook and twitter.

Love that you’ve stopped by.  Bloom.

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– Fun Wonders Worth Wondering About –

Ever wonder what’s around that bend in the road? What lays in the dark forest? How exhilarating that river ride would be? Sometimes we decide not to go there. At other times we take risks and step into the unknown. When we wonder, we experiment and we search. We often grow much further in our personal lives than we realize at the time.

Where are our children-hood friends now? Some hide – some strive – some thrive.

How many of our acquaintances have secrets that they have never told? What do you think, most of them?

What life would you lead if you could change any facet of what you have now?

Which amusement park ride would describe your personality? Rollercoaster – always moving up and down, not sure what to hold onto.. or just a wild ride? Lazy River? Enjoying every day but with no particular speed to your destination.

Wonder if someone really admires you and you don’t know it… yet. Believe it, there is someone who admires something you’ve said or done. Keep it up. Don’t give up. You can make an impact.

Can you tell jokes and make people laugh? How does that happen? Funny people are usually just funny but those people who make us smile just by being in their presence – priceless!

Who in your life – has been lost, left out and abandoned? Would you know them now?

What does your best friend treasure the most – one thing? Is it material, spiritual or emotional? Answer that question for yourself.

How well do you know your mate. If you were to take a quiz – how close would your scores be/about each other?  Ouch… some of us, after many years, might not quite AGREE! lol

What would you tell someone when you are ‘down’ that you wouldn’t tell otherwise? Write it down and then destroy it. Just seeing the words might be transforming and move you to a different thought pattern.

What would you do to cheer someone up – someone you don’t really care for? Stretch.. grow.. bloom.

Has someone in your family put you down and you’ve never told them? Have you been hurt and cannot say so? ... Can you forgive or are you holding on? (Real the chapter Trust and Forgiveness in Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) and many places online.

Have you cried alone and no one knows your true heart about that matter?  Have you smiled yet today? Do it and share it. Repeat it and affirm your goals, your purpose and your path today. It will make a difference. Keep your eyes on the prize.  Love that you’ve stopped by.  

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