Tag Archives: Self esteem

Be -Floored- About Your Value

I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful and too determined to be defeated!

We should agree that doubt, negativity and defeat come together in one basket. They are rarely separate. Attitude is key.

Yes, be floored. Be shocked. Be sure. Your value is undeniable!

 Your worth is immeasurable. You are not junk. You are treasure. You have much to offer.

You have much to accomplish! Be floored that you are ‘that’ amazing. God does not make junk. He made you – uniquely you. I’ve said it before but some people do not believe it. They put themselves down. They diminish their achievements. They do not realize how they can touch the lives of others in a very powerful way.

Be confident. Be brave. Be strong. You have a mission, a very personal mission. Find it – live into it with the knowledge that you have much to offer. Never put yourself down. 

To inspire you, to encourage you, to possibly change  your life read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) Selling now.  To Buy- on Amazon. Also available on Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Pricebooks, Medical Books Center  and more…… 

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Brutality and Love – Partners?

People sometimes speak blunt words with sharp emotions and attitudes. These always hurt other people. If you do this, stop now.

Nothing beneficial is accomplished through words that show no care.

Attempting to gain control and trying to put people in their places is never a satisfactory goal. When you berate individuals or teams of people you become more divided. I have never met a person who wants to be bullied or beat down. I have never met a person who thinks brutal speech is derived from love and care.

We should treat our friends and families better than we treat anyone else! I’ve seen many people treat acquaintances with more consideration than they do their own children or spouses. Anger, fear, low self-esteem and many other issues brings about brutal actions and mean words.

Friends who are too blunt with each other and give expose’s on flaws are not being a true friend. The discord they generate is unnecessary. Someone is always getting hurt. The wounded friend may not show it, but it has left a wound.

Is it too difficult to show a little kindness, lend a little love and offer unconditional respect to each other?

Make a commitment to guard your tongue. Watch your array of flying words. Mind your manners and show how valuable other people are to you. It’s disgraceful when men and women shout at each other or put each other down. Whether in private, on the phone or in public, it is never-never-never proper communication. Stop now.

Let your hearts melt a little. Let your soft sides show. Be outreaching to others, not sharp and brutal toward them. 

If we could love others the way we should love – families would not divide, children would not be scarred, people could see immense respect oozing toward and from others. If we could love others the way we should love, there would be less pain. Sadness from blunt words is unacceptable because those words should never have been spoken.

Be kind, reap kindness. Be caring, reap care. Show respect, reap respect.

Commandment 1 is to Love God above all.

Commandment 2 is to Love our Neighbors.

Can we do better?

Please read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)

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When You Think You Are Not Beautiful…

There are times in our lives whether you are outwardly attractive or not, that you may feel unattractive. Many people have such confidence and self-esteem that they always feel valuable. Do you?

Project strength with humility, confidence with curiosity and love without expectations. You will feel beautiful from the inside out. When you look at others, count your blessings. Be appreciative and know that real beauty shines from your soul, your eyes and your heart.

There are ways to make ourselves more attractive. There are helps along the way. We can enhance our natural looks and expand our physical beauty. But, if we do not show what we are inside as beautiful, no amount of work on our face and body, can shine like real goodness.

I knew a man who would not be considered extremely attractive to look at but as soon as he opened his mouth, sincerity and care poured from his heart. He never knew a stranger. He lifted everyone up who was around him. He cared and it showed. He loved without being asked. He spoke words of love, appreciation and respect.  What a legacy. His personality was engaging, addictive and everyone wanted his friendship. He wore his faith on his sleeve and told everyone about the love and trust of God that through him. He was inspiring and encouraging. Some people are rather good at faking their care, but this man was genuine. His sincerity was obvious. When people say that he was ‘one of a kind’ let’s challenge that and become a better friend by offering consideration and concern along with a smile and encouragement.

This man was a light to others and if we can just take the teachings of his life and own them, we win. Everyone around us will benefit. People will love your company. They will want our advise and friendships. They will almost envy the ease of which we can smile and show compassion. Let’s strive toward a friendlier, happier, better attitude, every day. Let’s offer others a smile, a helping hand, a day of kindnesses and a hug when they need it.

Let’s thrive in making others happy. Let’s project real beauty, light and exceptional attitude to uplift others. Be their source so that they may know your source. God’s reflection is all about shining his love so that we might live in his path for us. You are beautiful. You are valuable. You are worthy. God does not make junk. Search and find the truth of His love, of your purpose and of your heart’s desires.

Love. .. Give.. Shine… Grow… Bloom.

Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) NOW available. Amazon, Books A Million, Barnes & Noble, and More.. Thank you for your support and comments!!!

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Music & Laughter Increase Brain Strength!

Listening to music uses both the right and left sides of the brain and has shown to increase self-esteem and brain strength. Laughing stimulates five different parts of your brain, so laugh often. It’s important to your active aging in a very healthy way! It is mega stress relieving too. Music and laughter assist in that venture! Smile, Laugh, EnJOY your music! Examples below for you to make you smile or laugh!

You are on a seafood diet. When you see food you eat it

40 is the new 30- Lying is the new honesty

Read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)

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Posted by on March 1, 2010 in Anti-Aging, Laughter, Music


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