Category Archives: Mind

Subscribing Will Get You Something Valuable – ‘They Say’

You will learn, grow and blossom or you will discard what you read. You will laugh, cry, agree or think the author has lost her mind. Most every author promises something valuable. You be the judge of whether it helps you or hinders you. 

On the other hand, by reading and subscribing to my blog:

You still might think I’ve lost a marble now and then but I doubt it.. just crazy about my family, my friends, my God, great humor, words, grace, my purpose and authenticity.

You can gain care, thought, humor, heart and spirit through encouragement and inspiration.

You can take to your heart and mind words of faith, grace, comfort, peace and joy.

You also can choose to never grow, never observe better actions and to take life very deeply but also very lightly. I will explain.

I have read many blogs that spew hate, discontentment, radical politics and judgment on people and crass talk.

I have also read inspiring, loving, thoughtful, fun and informative blogs. Some authors write about one subject each time they write. Others, run the track with every instance they can think of while writing a short blog. Sometimes I feel my writings are not short enough. “Get to the point,” I say to myself.

If I can help you smile, think, care, consider, search for your life’s purpose or your heart’s desire, I am happy. Check my other writings.

 What is mind without body?  What is body without spirit? Mind body and spirit in unity is what it takes to develop a life that is lasting, more valuable and full of truth. To bloom daily you often need to be intentional; to look for ways to improve, grow, blossom and reach out.

Subscribe to my blog and I will never insult you or say that what you think does not matter. 

They say… whatever they want to and you can too.

I say.. what I feel is in my heart to direct to you at the moment you read my words. Subscribe and thank you for your messages, emails and comments.

More Important news >>>>>> If you LIKE my Author Speaker page – you will be in a drawing for a FREE book, Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) – I will sign it and send directly to you if you win! Love that you stop by. Here is the link for my Fb Author/Speaker page.

Read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) available now.. To Buy-  Also on Barnes and Noble, BAM and more. 

Thank YOU! Bloom intentionally more each!

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Some People Have No Filter – At Least None They’ve Ever Used

People who do not know when to stop talking become fools. Those individuals that you and I both know – wear out their welcome quickly. I need alot of energy to deal with these people on certain days. They talk to hear themselves talk. They don’t listen well. They interrupt. They are usually infringing on someone’s privacy along the way. Being blunt gets them what they want but they often are not welcomed back. It has been said that we need to keep some distance between us and the person we’re talking to, especially if we don’t know them. Some people have no filter. They are close up and personal. They are nosy and ask too many direct questions. They ignore signs of no solicitation. I sometimes think there should be signs up saying, “Don’t bother our customers. They don’t need your advise.” Why do people who know the least, know it the loudest?

Sometimes I’ve said things and then thought, “Should I have said that or should I have given my opinion?” I can answer, “No’ to some of these times. Being more sensitive is vital and living into more thought before speech – is something we must acknowledge.

Can you tell that I know a couple of these people? It might be funny if someone were taping the conversation, although it is one-sided. Putting captions with it or sounds would even be funnier. Attempts at looking interested are difficult. Listening becomes a chore. While droning on about their own interests, these people with no filters. They often speak words insensitively and without thought of who is standing there.

Be a person who filters thoughts before voicing them. Speak with fore-thought and care. Be sensitive to those around you. I believe people should share opinions but with enormous respect and sincerity.

I’ve noticed that sometimes people who are alone alot seem to want to talk non-stop but it isn’t usually just about them. They often like to know and sometimes share what is happening in the world.

Let me never be one to only talk about myself. Let me know that I should always listen and show respect. Let me always be interested in lives around me and not focused on my own entirely. There are other people who are starving for attention so they talk… and talk.. and talk… and….    We need to try to be more patient; easier said than done.

Reach out. Use the filter of decency, kindness and care. Speak with great reserve at times when you do not know those in your presence.

Read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) available now: Amazon, Barnes & Noble and more! Thanks for stopping by. bloom.

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Buying Cheap Tape Does Not Pay

Cheap tape along with many other cheap items never pays. It stretches, it is difficult to tear and I waste more than I use. It seems like glue sticking to itself and me. When the tape stretches I am thinking, “I should not have bought this. It’s not made of quality ingredients and it is a waste of money.”

As I think about the cheap things that people run after in life, the same thoughts come to me. When being enticed by cheap living and tempted by fun without cost I question what people get out of living only for entertainment.  Every day they choose cheap living and reckless fun over any thoughts of deeper meaning. Is there value in it?

I choose to make sure that I see clearly the crevices and the valleys that come from thinking life is only about fun and laughter. I love fun and laughter but when we choose cheap, mindless attitudes about living we do not often come back to the core of our being. We are not just human in body. We are spirit, soul and mind that requires thought, research, balance and passion for our inner knowledge. In knowing that we are eternal beings we then search for the truth of eternity.

We often reach higher for answers. We ask why we are sometimes so shallow. We think more deeply about our hearts and soul meanderings. What is your wholeness? Who are you? What are you here for? What passions rage in your soul that will last?

What do I want to be remembered for through contributing to this world and its inhabitants? Living cheaply with only thoughts for the weekend or the new high is like cheap tape. It isn’t good, it sticks to anything that doesn’t matter, and does not hold the package firmly. Our hearts suffer. Our hearts are denied truth and hope.

We are sometimes fragmented in need of tape or healing constants. We need to choose security in our identity. Does our life look whole and purposeful? Are we put together effectively as body, mind and spirit? We need to be passionate about the entire package with which we are created.

If we want to know God we must let him know we’re available.

  Bloom wherever you are, in every way, every day!

Available now: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) My 1st non-fiction book. Available listing there plus more… Thank you! bloom.Enhanced by Zemanta

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Are You Wondering What’s Next for You?

Are you wondering what’s next for you? Where to go from here? What can you do to make a difference in your life and the lives of your family?

You may not need cash or credit.

You may need trust, love, compassion or understanding.

You may need money, security or a steady job.

You may need someone who is angry with you to change and care about you.

You may need forgiveness or to forgive someone else.

You may need a change of heart toward life and  your attitude.

You will not succeed in finding what’s next to improve your life and your health if you do not pursue it. Do not give up. Keep looking for a job. Keep striving for forgiveness. Do your best to dispel anger. Make peace with those around you. Share good times and thoughts with others that you may uplift them. It will also help your attitude and make you feel more hope.

Look at the glass moving toward full and not draining constantly.Is there a hole in the bottom? That’s the way some people act. Some people are so negative that they drain everyone around them. That leaves everyone close to empty.

Find whatever job you can and keep looking. Do your best and work toward promotion. Do not be lazy. Your future is at stake. Be respectful to those you work with. Find ways to learn more, do more and act passionately and interested in your skills. Build them.

Ask someone who knows more than you do so that you can learn. Check the internet for help and assistance in your field and in other areas that can benefit you. Do not be afraid to continue to learn. We all move forward or move backward. We rarely stand still. That is not progress, standing still!

Be adventurous in your imagination, but be realistic to your skills, your area, your expertise, your passions. Search. I heard that if you do not have a job, your full time job is looking for one. Don’t give up. Have hope.

As prices go higher, tighten your belt. As food costs go up, eat less food and healthier food. Make lists and stick to them for shopping.

Unnecessary expenses need to be evaluated.

YOU can do it. YOU are the one who makes the difference. YOUR attitude is what counts. YOUR determination to make a better life is key.

Your faith may take you through and assuredly can take you through. Your willingness to search, learn and grow is vital. Your imagination of a better life is realistically possible if you work at it. It’s worth it. You’ll see things happen and motivation will drive you on. There is much satisfaction in thriving at whatever you can do!

ADAPT. OVERCOME. ACHIEVE If you only knew who lives by those words, you would be amazed. He has adapted, overcome and achieved great things after a huge and tragic accident. If he can do it. YOU can do it. I have no doubt if you apply yourself you can be successful.

Bloom wherever you are – everyday in every way! You have a choice.

Now available new break-out book –

Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)


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Some People Know No Boundaries -You Know These People – What to do?

Diving into crashing waves, skydiving into open air, riding on the back of a speeding motorcycle or walking into a crowded room.What do these activities have in common? Sometimes they are beyond our boundaries.

Everyone has different boundaries but shy people don’t want to walk into a crowded room where everyone is mingling. Fear keeps many of us from diving, climbing on the back of a motorcycle or something as simple as talking to other people. Some are not afraid of anything. They will try every extreme activity and many dangerous stunts for exhilaration.

If you are with a friend who is shy and doesn’t know anyone be sure to introduce them around and bring up a subject that they both enjoy. They may find it more interesting to venture into new areas and stretch their relationships.

When someone you know wants to take on risks, remember that it is their life. It really is none of our business unless we are in danger or if their speech is harmful.  If a friend speaks too loudly or demands too much attention, you can excuse yourself and walk away. After a while, they have no one to talk to so their badgering stops. If you are close enough in relationship to them, you might suggest that they not delve into your personal life or offer judgment. People who do not listen and interrupt you do not respect you. If they become bossy they show their lack of respect and care for you. They would rather think that they are right than have a true friend.

People will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Have personal standards and boundaries of what you will accept. Never listen to harmful gossip about someone else. Try to change the subject, refocus the conversation or remind the gossip that you do not know the life that someone else has led. Tell them that you are not the judge and you have not seen the entire picture. After all, these people tear the character of others down and it keeps the magnifying glass off of them. Don’t settle for it. Don’t stay around abusive people. Do not accept a low standard of friendship.

Most importantly, when we are with others, we must place boundaries around conversations.  We do not need to share intimate thoughts or passions that do not interest anyone else. Personal questions are off-limits unless they are quite broad in subject. People who share their extreme views of politics, religion or judgment on others are not appreciated. There are many ways to reach out and connect with people. Notice and be  sensitive to their personalities. A good way to lose friends is to force our passions on them.

Know and exercise boundaries, not only around acquaintances and friends, but also near family. We should respect them as much or more than we respect everyone else. Don’t pick fights. Don’t continue fighting. Be your best. If you have confidence you will be able to take the high road, to show someone else calmness and compassion.

Stand above the crowd. Be the peace maker and trust worthy one. God Bless. Bloom every day in every way.

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Posted by on April 5, 2011 in Beliefs, Change, Grow, Mind, Strength


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Mind, Body, Spirit – Do They Need Unity?

Have you ever wondered what you’d be doing in five years? More importantly, have you ever wondered how your thinking might change? Most surprisingly, we think differently or we drastically change our habits. There is not much of the time that we radically change our beliefs. We can grow into a stronger personal faith or belief system. We sometimes choose new hobbies or build what we know into higher intensity learning.

What would you change if you could? If your path is moving in one direction and you want to change it, how would you do it? Through research and study we can increase our awareness and abilities. Sometimes it just takes experience to make us into a fuller thinking and living human being.

Thinking deeply about our mind, body and spirit and how they connect is very popular these days. How does your mind and attitudes affect your health and your spirit? If your mind is clear and always curious you can make better choices in health, food plans and lifestyle. If your health is excellent you probably have a better attitude than someone who is ill. As you age, is it affecting your health or your spirit? I know many people who become increasingly despondent as their birthdays roll by. They realize that they are going downhill and losing muscle strength or mobility. Some people see aging as a detriment to their spirits when they should feel privileged to have experienced life for such a long time.

It is no fun to get older, unless you are sixteen, but it is a time when our attitudes should lift others. Through knowledge, education and experience we offer benefit to others. When you share your wisdom of life with younger people you can help them to avoid the pitfalls and roadblocks of life. If they listen they are so much richer in using mind, body and spirit to their advantage.

The spiritual sense of us has to have some grounding. What is yours? We must search and realize that we will only be human for a few years. When you think of the scope of life compared to eternity, it is very short. To us it may seem that seventy years is a long time, until we get there. I’ve been told that time never slows down unless you’re sick and it feels like an eternity. Keeping our mind, body and spirit in connection is vital. My choices include faith and trust in my Creator to help me be what he has chosen for me. He is in control but I can have a better attitude every day. I can share joy with others. I can listen and sympathize when someone needs their body, mind or spirit lightened.

Make your body, mind and spirit synonymous with the unity we are to strive for.

Bloom every day in every way! It’s up to you. Please read Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) – To inspire and lift you. To challenge and encourage you. 

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What is on Your Bucket List?

Your bucket list  is driven by the state of your health at this time in your life.  We are greatly affected by how connected you are or are not to your mind, body, and spirit. They are all three important.

Let’s focus now on your physical needs. We are driven to complete those adventurous ideals that we desire in the next couple of decades.   Does your list include these wishes? A yearning to buy your favorite car, to travel to an exotic location, to finish the book you keep wanting to begin, to share with someone your deepest secret in life, or to possibly connect with someone you haven’t seen in a very long time, to spend winters water skiing instead of snow skiing?

Ah, ha, did you forget to add the important goal of  ’ living into exceptional health for your whole life’?  How can you make sure that it actually happens?  First, you must realize that through the food choices available, which now include increasing amounts of preservatives, additives and chemicals of all sorts, you are not able to consume the amount of solid nutrition required to keep your body fit and healthy – for exceptional health.  Now what do you do?

If you eat with a wellness attitude, by choosing organic products as much as possible and by ingesting less fat, sugar and calories; the basics may serve you well.  How do you know that the products and supplements available are of high quality and that you can absorb the vitamins and minerals that they offer? Trust me, it’s not by reading the labels. What is the company’s reputation. Know how they control their product quality. Check out their track record.

Let’s talk about the basics, which include vitamins and minerals that you have heard of your entire life. Did your mom make you take your vitamins or attempt to get you to eat a more vitamin rich breakfast? Did she talk to you as a teenager about your love of  ’fast food’  and packaged treats?  Today’s generation is vitally in need of minerals, nutrients and anti-oxidants because many people have grown up on the before mentioned items.  Have you looked at shopping carts and evaluated what people are buying? Have you wondered if the shopper ever eats greens or fruits, proteins and complex carbohydrates? What are their bodies running on for fuel?  It’s a good bet that they are running on ‘empty’ and their ill-health will catch up with them!  Oh, yes, maybe they have a huge vegetable garden or a deep freezer filled with nutritious food?!  Even at that assumption, can they undo potential problems that the chemically preserved foods have produced?

An amazing multi-vitamin mineral complex that is naturally occurring in a supplement is essential to your ‘bucket list’ of additions so that you can actually complete all your dreams. For specific issues that are personal to you and your life style you may also want to consider adding products for energy, for strength, for extreme oxygen so that the body might heal and regenerate.

We want to maintain our strong inherited issues. You may carry weaknesses that need strengthened or you may choose to work toward building a faster, more efficient mind.  There are many people who choose to supplement their diets with blood sugar equalizers so that they don’t experience too many highs and lows.  Others, can be assisted with their emotional mood levels, with anxiety. Calming your nervous system is essential to mood regulation.  You know your body better than anyone else. If,  your bucket list, includes climbing a mountain, can you actually get strong enough to finish the course?  If your bucket list includes items to buy, such as a sports car or bike, do you have the strong body and mind to continue to earn income and save toward that goal?

The person with whom you want to re-connect might be surprised when they see you in person once again.  Will they recognize you? Have you done everything possible in fitness and to stay youthful in your attitude? Are you well-developed in your personal growth? Do you continue to learn about life, love and compassion? Would you be proud to re-introduce yourself to the ‘one’ you never forgot? Have you ever heard someone say, “She seems old” or “He’s an old man now” when that person is only in their 50’s? Sad.

Increase strength each day while adding the nutrients that might be lacking in your diet.  These actions will keep you moving toward your goals, will give you a health advantage, and  energyy to carry out all on your ‘bucket list’. You will experience great satisfaction as you enjoy the activities and choices on that list.Be committed to your health so that you can claim your goals and finish your course passionately. You are the only one who can make that happen.  Go for it! Bloom in every way, every day.

Available now: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)  Ck it out.. also.. Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Pricebooks, Books A Million and more. Love that you stopped by.

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Living Above Your Circumstances

You may have so much to offer due to your experience with pain and sadness. There are people who need to know how you walked the path, how you survived.

There are people who can be lifted and lightened by hearing your story. They may realize that this world is sometimes a very cruel place but there is comfort, healing and joy around the corner. Some women, by hearing your story, may forever be more thankful of their ease of life, the absence of tragedy.

I am convinced that fear keeps us from knowing and trusting God. Sometimes it seems to be arrogance, pride, anger, but so often deep down it is insurmountable fear. So prevalent is fear, that even animals show fear, they run, they hide, do we do the same?

We cannot look around the corner for things to go wrong, for life to throw us a curve. The happenings that we don’t expect are what we are left to deal with and doing that proves ‘who’ we are. Have you been side swiped by life? How have you handled it? Just a scratch, a scar, a gaping wound, a fear of tomorrow?

Now available – Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)

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Mind Body Spirit – Drawing on All Three

I cannot write about life without including mind, body and spirit. We all live with all of those elements. Spirituality is a vital part of who we are and can be if we take to heart the parts of who we are into completion.

My prayer is that you see this daily life as a concept of God’s immense grace toward us. Be aware of our options of choice. Think of the unexpected sadness of tragedy, then recovery and its effects and changes in us. Use your powerful mind, your precious body and God‘s immeasurable spirit to drape yourself in grace toward others. It takes all three to connect to live this life in a beautiful way.

I wish for you the hope of a garden full of colorful, deep, rich, intense blooms of life that make you a most unique woman in this uncertain world. Where there is life, there can be peace, where there is sorrow, there can be change, where there is goodness, love abounds. From me to you on this beautiful day of grace.

Watch my short video – Amazing Grace – link below & on

 – A book about real women/real answers –

 Bloom, Girl, Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) ! – available now – Amazon, Barnes & Noble and more.. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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Inflexibility – Moving On to Plan B

Women don’t usually  speak of small adaptations in life, those go without saying. Things happen;  accidents, life changes, geographical moves of the family, miscarriages, job changes, more twists and turns, surprise unplanned  children, love lost and the list continues. We learn to be very adaptable people. We have sufficiency in life to move and grow and plan and re-plan. Moving forward with Plan B is so important. Being productive is the key.

Sometimes Plan A doesn’t work out but to enjoy happiness – flexibility is a must. You will see another exercise of flexibility, of endurance, or the working of Plan B when someone becomes ill, changes jobs, moves locations or meets someone new. When women become inflexible they are not agreeable.

Get over yourself if you can’t just be agreeable most of the time. If you can give a sense of calm in an overwhelming world, if you can lose yourself to help someone have calm, do it.

Commit to thinking before acting and realizing that everyone has the right to their thoughts and actions. Be flexible with them. Show them love and consideration, not judgment and resistance to change. They’ll love you for it!.. Be brave.. be flexible..chill.  Bloom every day in every way!

Read: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) – available now many places. ck my site for a few.

Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” – Winston Churchill

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