If All Is Not Lost, Where Is It?

02 Nov

The title is for a laugh but all is never lost, is it? We can salvage our best days, best decisions, and laughter to get through some weak times.

The former TV show, Lost, often had actors losing their way and we, the viewers were lost too. The story line would take us into places unknown but, we always found the path of the story once again.

We can always find someone who is not as well off as others. We can always see someone under the weather, under the circumstances or undertow of the current economic climate. We can lose our lunch, our car in a parking lot, our best pair of glasses or the remote. But.. where are they? Somewhere else. 

Stand above your lost causes, claim them, learn and move on. Sometimes it’s people we want to give up on. At other times it is something we dreamed of that went haywire.

The lost and found of some places should just be filled with ‘lost dreams, lost hope, lost children, lost passion, lost mobility, lost faith, lost confidence or lost causes.’ We have lost touch too often.

Those lost essentials have to be modified sometimes. Some people lose a house and find more strength. Women lose self-esteem when they fail. Men lose points when they can’t score in a game. Girls lose self-reliance when they depend totally on a boy for their power. Boys lose respect when they are weak-willed and without substance. I could interchange, men, women.. etc.. all day with my thoughts. I can think of people in each of those situations.

Find yourself. Find your confidence. Find your perseverance. Don’t give up. You might have to change plans a little – or look for new passion – but all is not lost. Smile at the title.. because.. you might feel lost sometimes, but your faith, hope and attitude can bring you back. bloom.

Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) available now – Amazon – Barnes & Noble,, Books A Million and many other places. Thanks so much for following my blog. Thanks again for checking out my author page..

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