Vulnerability – Pull the Shades

01 Nov

Life’s vulnerabilities are difficult to put out there for all to see. Opening up to others might make you vulnerable to judgment or attacks of character.

I often wonder about people in the spotlight all of their lives, such as Michael Jackson or TV personalities. How much are they affected by the constant news flow about every trip out of the house.

I can only surmise that they often want to pull the shades and hide from an often vicious world. An adoring world offers still no privacy. Life has to be tough when it’s nearly impossible to pull the shades and relax with family and friends.

When I began to write Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers) I felt vulnerable. As I wrote, I thought to myself, what if people think it is fluff or they don’t like it. I’m way past thinking everyone will agree with me. It is still daunting to know that people all over the world might read my words and judge me. I moved forward because I knew it was my mission to reach out to and touch hearts outside my boundaries.

It is natural to protect our privacy, our thoughts and our freedoms. Being vulnerable does make us real and more intimate. If we can open our vulnerability shades, we can touch other people in ways that will affirm and help them draw strength for themselves. We don’t need to lay our entire life, mistakes and sadness on the open floor, but we need to begin to open the shades little by little. This helps other people see where our strength and perseverance comes from. EnJOY.. the light. You will be renewed.

Have an enlightening day. bloom.

Thank the Lord that he forgives and overlooks our weaknesses. Trust is key.

Available now: Bloom Girl Bloom (Real Women with Real Answers)

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, and more. Ebooks soon.

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