Tag Archives: Imagine

Awareness of Who You Think You Should Be… Is it Possible?

If you wonder who you could be, but don’t know how to get there, imagine your dreams.  You can move forward toward a better you, a more creative you or a smarter you by taking the necessary steps.

Although life sometimes gets in our way, we must know where we want to go and move forward. Take baby steps and be aware of what may lay ahead if you follow your dreams. If you never move or change or grow, you can never become who you think you are.

Do you envision what you want your life to look like? Take that vision and either get the education or be mentored by someone who can help you reach your stars. When people lose their dreams it is often because they have not kept their eyes on the prize. They sometimes give up and don’t persevere due to circumstances surrounding them. You must forge ahead and step into an attitude of hope and possibility.

Awareness of who we think we can be is not always easy. It looks difficult to grow into a better human being, become more informed or choose more commitment to to our faith and to find truth. To love others and reach out in service takes time and energy. Is there room in your life to help others? I guarantee it will help your own growth. Get your family involved in doing for others and in thinking of others ahead of themselves. When we give, we get in return, huge blessings.

A man recently told me that helping others who do not appreciate it makes him tired and sad. They take his generosity for granted and made light of his gestures. Can we blame him? I have felt the same way many times. We do have to test in small ways who really wants our help and who truly wants to learn to change. Help those who will move forward and be appreciative if you can.

Awareness of who you think you should be is in knowing why we are here. Why did God put you here? What does he expect from you? What is our responsibility to his creation? The central theme of our source of energy, duty, love and compassion come from someone so much greater than who we can ever be. But, remember that we can improve, love, grow and stretch every day into a more productive and compassionate human being.

Be aware of the possibilities of your abilities and what you can do to ignite them. You are what you think you are but you can experience amazing abundant living.  Do not settle. Plant seeds, grow and blossom more each day! Pass it on to those who need inspiration. Mentor a child. Give to your church or your charity and thank God that you can do it. If all you have to give is love, what is holding you back from giving? Bloom!


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